Starting a great day and having a great rest of the day makes us more successful. If we can ensure sleep hygiene, this is of course possible. Once sleep hygiene is achieved, we can have a wonderful morning and then an energetic day. If you cannot get the necessary efficiency from your sleep time, you are likely to feel weak and tired throughout the day. Therefore, the decoration of your bedroom is among the things you should pay attention to. You can ensure sleep hygiene by paying attention to details and small arrangements in your bedroom decoration.

If you are transitioning from short-term insomnia to frequent insomnia,
· Concentration problems and absent-mindedness
· Depressed mood
· Tiredness
· Drop in body resistance
You may encounter problems like above.
Choose a Quality Mattress or Mattress Topper for Sleep Hygiene
The average sleep need of a healthy adult individual varies between 7 and 9 hours per day. In general, if we calculate the sleep time from 8 hours, we spend almost a third of the day in our bed. In order to feel energetic and vigorous during the day, our body must be fully rested and our sleep must be productive. This is closely related to whether your bed is suitable for sleep hygiene.
You need to choose a bed that suits your physiological characteristics and meets your wishes and needs. All-natural and organic bedding such as wool, cotton, silk and linen can be a solution. It can increase your chances of achieving sleep hygiene thanks to its airy structures.
In general, for a sleep hygiene, you need to make sure that your bed is suitable for your sleeping position and physiological characteristics. Your mattress should neither be too soft nor too hard. You can use a mattress made of medium-hard quality materials with maximum efficiency during its lifetime.
Choosing the Right Sleep Products
After choosing the sleeping floor and the bed, which is one of the most determining factors, it is very important to achieve the same quality with the remaining sleeping products. Staying away from synthetic products and choosing cotton-based products when choosing bedding will definitely help improve your sleep quality. In this way, you will have a sleeping environment that does not cause sweating in summer and does not cause cold in winter. Likewise, when choosing a pillow, it is very important whether the pillows are suitable for your sleeping position and needs. Therefore, choosing the right pillow plays a big role in your sleep quality. If you have an allergy or a sensitive structure, dust accumulation in duvets may negatively affect you and cause various discomforts. That's why you should pay attention to the fact that your duvet has anti-bacterial properties. Anti-allergic duvets prevent the growth of microorganisms from dust and skin debris and help create a healthy sleeping environment for you.
Keeping the Room Temperature at the Ideal Level
Most sleep problems are caused by the sleeping area, that is, the bedroom, being too hot or too cold. The person may not be able to concentrate on sleep due to excessive sweating and heat, and may have difficulty falling asleep. Although personal preferences are quite variable and decisive in this regard, as a result of research conducted by experts, the ideal sleeping temperature for people should be between 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The home environment at these temperatures may be a little cool for your daily life and other activities. Therefore, you can bring the places outside your bedroom to the desired and comfortable temperature and separate the heat from your bedroom. If you cannot decide at what temperature you should sleep in this range, you can decide how you will have a more comfortable sleep by making small changes in the temperature of your room by trial and error method.
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Simplicity in Bedroom Decoration for Sleep Hygiene
While having too many items in your bedroom creates a crowded atmosphere, each of these items may cause you to have a different thought and is likely to disrupt your concentration when you fall asleep. To prevent this, you can choose a very simple decoration in the bedroom. You should use the storage areas in a highly functional manner and ensure that your clothes and belongings are kept in closed areas. In this way, you can have a comfortable sleep time as you will reduce the density of your belongings and remove the items that are prone to dust. One of the most important steps in simplicity in decoration is definitely the color of the room. Using very vibrant and eye-catching colors in your bedroom or sleeping areas will negatively affect your ability to fall asleep. Therefore, using peaceful pastel colors such as blue and green in your bedroom will positively affect and improve your sleep quality.
Room Ventilation and Fresh Air Flow
The most basic thing needed to fall asleep easily and maintain sleep hygiene is oxygen. The room you sleep in should be well ventilated and have plenty of oxygen. While you ventilate other rooms and the whole house in summer, you should continue to ventilate the bedroom in winter. This should become a routine and the amount of oxygen in the room should not decrease.
Move Away from Technological Devices
Sleeping in front of technological devices can be seen as one of the relaxing activities that are good for you after a tiring week's work or school day. However, making it a habit and falling asleep while watching something and being exposed to the white light reflected by television and computer screens will reduce your sleep hygiene. For this reason, you should code the bedroom where your bed is as a place where you go only to sleep, and whatever you want to watch, you should do it in another environment before going to sleep. Similarly, lying in bed and spending time on the phone before sleep also negatively affects your sleep hygiene. We need to remove technological devices that have become a part of our daily lives, from ourselves and our sleeping environment, at least during our sleep.
Explore WoW Futon Mattresses that provide sleep hygiene with its certified natural ingredients. Visit the Amazon store and find a variety of WoW Futon Organic Beds that will bring you comfort and quality.