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Blog Posts (14)
- Great Way: Beds for Those Who Has Shoulder Pain
Pain that occurs at the junction of the shoulder blade and arm bone in the region from the elbow to the shoulder, that is, shoulder pain is one of the most common pains. Shoulder pain caused by damage to tissues such as muscles or tendons in the area can cause both annoying pain and problems that will disrupt the daily life of the person. Shoulder pain, especially caused by the wear and tear of the muscles in this area, can cause problems in daily life as well as in the sleep pattern of the person. In order to prevent this situation, it is necessary to choose the right mattress to reduce or prevent shoulder pain. In this regard, it is important which bed will be preferred by those who wake up with shoulder pain. Discomfort Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain is defined as pain in the region of the upper arm bone, scapula and collarbone. This region is connected to each other by a very soft tissue and is in a constantly moving structure. Shoulder pain is often caused by damage to the soft tissue that surrounds the bones and provides mobility. As well as the various causes of shoulder pain, the most common one is shoulder impingement. Wrong mattress preference is among the factors that trigger shoulder impingement, which occurs due to damage to the tendons in the shoulder region. In addition to this discomfort, shoulder pain, also known as bursitis, is also caused by damage to the tendons. In addition to damage to the tendons, damage to the shoulder joint area, inflammation, injury to the muscles are among the common causes of shoulder pain. If shoulder pain has become chronic, it is usually due to wear and damage of muscles and tendons. In these cases, first of all, a correct mattress selection should be made to relieve shoulder pain, the load on the muscles should be taken, and the pain should be reduced. Shoulder pain is one of the most common joint complaints. Many muscles come together in a very small area in the shoulder area. Shoulder pain can have many different triggers and causes. The shoulder is relatively susceptible to strain as well as injury. One reason shoulder pain is related to your sleeping habits: most importantly, your mattress. Find out what features your mattress should offer to relieve your shoulder pain. Causes of Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain can have many causes. They occur in isolation in the shoulder joint during certain movements or cover the entire shoulder area. Poor posture is often the cause of shoulder pain. But falls, joint wear and tear, or overload can also cause pain in the shoulder area. The fact that the wrong mattress can also cause shoulder pain is often overlooked. First of all, a mattress that is too hard often causes shoulder pain. The most common causes of shoulder pain are: Wrong (sleeping) posture Overexertion/muscle injuries Blood pressure Joint wear Very hard bed Very little movement Discover More Great Articles on Sleep on the Wow Futon Blog – Discover Now! Things to Consider Before Choosing a Bed for Shoulder Pain The beds preferred by those who wake up with shoulder pain aim to reduce or prevent these discomforts. Because most shoulder pain situations are caused by choosing the wrong mattress. Wrong mattresses are the types of mattresses that are not suitable for body features and trigger pain even more. Instead of choosing a bed after shoulder pain occurs, it would be more beneficial to choose a bed primarily for the prevention of shoulder pain. Because mattresses do not completely eliminate the pain, they only alleviate them or prevent their formation. In this regard, even if you do not have any pain at the moment, it is important to choose the most suitable mattress for you. Otherwise, you may experience hard times as a result of pain in various parts of your body, especially shoulder pain, and you may even be far from maintaining your daily life. Those who suffer from shoulder pain should take care to choose mattresses with natural ingredients. Mattresses containing heavy chemicals do not cause a single ailment, but cause various problems throughout the body. One of the biggest causes of shoulder pain is the uneven distribution of body weight. In this case, existing pains increase or new pains occur, especially due to the load accumulated on the shoulders. In this regard, it is important to choose the ideal hardness. The Importance of Choosing the Right Mattress Choosing the right mattress is a big step towards helping you sleep better. Finding the right product is more than just what’s in your price range. So the right mattress for you does not necessarily mean the cheapest or the most expensive mattress. Even if you spend a lot of money on a bed and buy it at a reasonable price, the bed you buy may not be the right one for you. Mattress selection is very important, especially for people with back and neck pain, and not every bed model will be suitable for them. Choose The Right One For You Many people approach mattress shopping the wrong way, simply by considering the price of the mattress or choosing the materials and technology featured in an advertisement. However, this approach can turn into a process where you may regret your purchase. Pay Attention to Pillow Selection Of course, the job doesn’t just end with the choice of bedding. Choosing a pillow for shoulder and neck pain is also an important process. Take care to choose pillows that contain natural and organic materials, such as your pillow or mattress. You should choose pillows that gently adapt to the curves of your head and neck and support you for a quality sleep throughout the night. Discover Comfort on WoW Futon Amazon Store for healthy and quality sleep solutions and increase your sleep life.
- New Tips for Those Who Wake Up Tired
A good sleep quality is of great importance in terms of ensuring that daily life is also of good quality. However, due to the wrong bed selection, it is quite common for people to wake up tired and to have pain after waking up. Since sleep basically means resting a person, rejuvenating the body, refreshing the joints and muscle groups, it is very important to sleep well and restfully. However, wrong bed preferences bring many pains after waking up, thus causing a large part of daily life to be painful, and may cause chronic diseases in the future. In order to prevent this situation, you can choose a bed when you wake up tired and according to other problems you experience when you wake up. Bed Factor in People Who Wake Up Tired and Cause Body Pain Beds that cause body aches and cause you to wake up tired are the ones that are not suitable for your body and do not have an ergonomic and orthopedic design. Since most of the human life is spent in sleep, the effect of the bed on sleep and general health is substantial. In cases where the bed does not provide a quality sleep, various psychological and physiological pains occur. In order to prevent such situations, one should be careful in choosing a bed, and it becomes possible to prevent these pains by choosing a bed according to the pain that occurs. Beds that cause pain are basically those that do not distribute body weight evenly, do not breathe, have an incorrect hardness ratio, do not grip the body, and prevent the spine from taking its natural position. Sleeping in such beds decreases the quality of life as well as the quality of sleep, because these beds, which cannot provide the sleep that the body needs, bring many discomforts. Problems Caused by Wrong Mattress Selection Mattress selection can actually act as an important key on our path to success. Choosing the wrong bed can cause you to wake up tired. Let’s take a look at the other effects of wrong bed choices, besides the consequences of waking up tired and lowering our energy. Sweating Sweating is among the most common sleep disturbances. This situation, also known as night sweats, is much more than normal sweating, and it not only helps the person to wake up, but also prevents them from waking up comfortably. Sweating can also cause other diseases. Although the sweating problem is caused by physiological disorders in some cases, it is usually caused by the bed. Such problems are much more severe in mattresses that do not provide antiperspirant or a refreshing environment, even if they are caused by other ailments. However, such problems cause you to wake up tired in the morning. It is possible to prevent situations such as sweating for whatever reason, in mattresses that have air channels, constantly breathe and provide heat balance. Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain can be seen due to many reasons. However, bed-related shoulder pain is among the most common of these causes. Shoulder pain caused by the injury of the muscle structure in the shoulder or the overlapping of the muscles in this area, show their effects for a very long time during the day after waking up and cause limitation of movement. In this case, choosing a comfortable bed will provide great convenience. Discover More Great Articles on Sleep on the Wow Futon Blog – Discover Now! Back Pain One of the most common causes of back pain is the wrong position of the spine during sleep. The spine, which is not in its natural position, causes the discs to decrease or multiply, causing severe pain or stiffness after sleep. With the right mattress choices, you can ensure that your spine is in its most comfortable position, which is its natural position. Due to their structure, these mattresses provide the natural spine position and thus make it possible to sleep comfortably. By ensuring that the spine is not burdened, they also provide equal body weight and comfortably relieve back pain. Difficulty Awakening, Waking Up Tired It is a predictable fact that people who wake up tired do not have a good day. The so-called sleepless awakening is seen when there is no restful and uninterrupted sleep. Even if the sleep time is long, you feel tired and almost as if you haven’t slept at all after waking up, and if you have trouble getting out of bed, this is due to the fact that the bed does not offer comfort. Especially natural and organic mattresses offer great comfort, allowing your whole body to rest and relax. In this way, they will ensure that you do not wake up tired. Stressful sleeping or waking up tired are seen especially in cases where the active sleep phase, the REM phase, is not fully formed. These situations are caused by the fact that the bed prevents you from taking the correct and relaxing position. Natural and organic mattresses can eliminate your stressful waking up problems, as they offer a fresh surface that supports your body, ideal temperature values in terms of warmth. In this way, you can avoid waking up tired. Interruption Of Sleep By Constant Awakening At Night There are many bed-related problems for the division of sleep. If the mattress does not breathe and sweats, if it does not distribute the body weight evenly and causes pressure on a region, if it does not support the natural position of the spine, if it is not firm enough for your structure, sleep will often be interrupted. Unfortunately, many of us live very stressful lives. However, we do not sleep well and comfortably, and we wake up tired. Waking up tired can be an obstacle to making the right decisions and being successful in our busy day. We should give the necessary importance and attention to sleep and wait for its positive results. Discover Comfort on WoW Futon Amazon Store for healthy and quality sleep solutions and increase your sleep life.
- Great New Stress Insomnia and Tips for Best Sleep
Stress and insomnia are among the most common problems people face today. Stress can lead to a number of physical and psychological problems, including difficulty falling asleep. Also, sleep can be interrupted by stress. This leads to a vicious cycle of insufficient sleep and increased stress. While stress is a normal part of life, when it becomes chronic, it can take a toll on our mental and physical health. The fact that we must strive to achieve the best sleep is obvious. In this article, we’ll explore the link between stress and sleep disturbance and how to manage both and achieve optimal sleep. We’ll also provide tips on how to identify the symptoms of stress-related sleep disorder and improve your sleep quality. The Link Between Stress and Sleep Disorders It’s no secret that stress can have a significant impact on our sleep quality. Increased stress levels can lead to much more restless nights, with shorter sleep cycles and frequent awakenings throughout the night. Studies show that even moderate stress can lead to insomnia and other sleep disorders. Persons under high levels of stress; They may experience insomnia, have nightmares, and have trouble staying asleep. Stress and insomnia can also cause another sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea. When we are exposed to chronic stress, our bodies produce higher levels of cortisol, leading to disruptions in our sleep patterns. So we have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night. Strategies for Managing Stress and Insomnia Stress and sleep are closely linked as they have a significant impact on overall health. Therefore, it is important to develop effective strategies for managing stress to improve your sleep quality. Stress; It can be managed in a number of ways, such as talking to friends or family, with activities such as regular exercise, mindful meditation, yoga, and tai chi. Improving stress management can help you get better quality sleep. Here are some strategies that can help you with this: Choose the right sleep products: One of the most important issues in eliminating insomnia and stress problems and achieving quality sleep is your selection of quality and comfortable mattresses. Not only your choice of bedding, but also the selection of quilts, sheets, pillows and even pillowcases is very important. Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and yoga help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Exercise regularly: Exercise helps reduce stress and improve sleep quality. It is recommended by experts to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Create a bedtime routine: Creating a bedtime routine helps your body know when it’s time to sleep. This routine; You can create it by turning off electronic devices, taking a warm bath and reading a book. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine: Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine adversely affect sleep quality, so this trio should be avoided, especially in the evening. Explore More Great and Inspiring Sleeping Articles on Wow Futon Blog Page to Increase Sleep Comfort Choosing the Right Bed to Get Rid of Insomnia Bed selection is directly related to sleep quality. A poor quality sleep causes you to feel tired all day and negatively affects your immune system in the long run. The way to get a quality sleep is to choose the mattress that best meets your needs. On the other hand, when you learn the basic points that you should pay attention to when you decide to buy a bed, it is possible to see that this process will become much easier. You must have felt like a newborn baby when you woke up from a quality sleep. We can say that your bed has an important role in this. Because during sleep, your body goes to rest and in this way, you have the opportunity to renew both physically and psychologically. If you are having a poor quality sleep, you will feel tired when you wake up. In addition, it is normal to experience fatigue during the day as your body cannot get enough rest. In addition, your back, waist and joint pain may also be caused by choosing a wrong mattress. Considering that the average person spends one third of their life in sleep, the importance of choosing the right bed will be understood much better. So, how should you determine your needs when buying a bed and what kind of bed should you choose? You can find the answers to these questions in the rest of our content. It will be in your best interest to shape your bed preference according to your sleeping habits first. In this sense, for example, if you turn around during sleep, your needs for bed will be much different than those who have a fixed sleeping habit. We also recommend that you examine the reasons that cause you to spin while asleep. Accordingly, if you feel the need to turn because your mattress is bothering you, we can conclude that you should change your mattress without wasting time. Now that we agree on the point that choosing the right mattress is the type of mattress that best meets your body structure, sleeping habits and expectations, we can now find an answer to the question of how you can choose the right mattress to prevent insomnia and have quality sleep. Mattress Firmness As experts say, beds that are too hard or too soft affect the spine and skeletal system negatively and trigger insomnia. Soft mattresses may cause discomfort during sleep as they take the shape of the spine, while hard mattresses may cause back and lower back pain. For this reason, the importance of choosing a medium-firm mattress as much as possible comes to the fore. Bed Thickness Depending on the type of mattress, the degree of hardness can vary, as well as the thickness of the mattress. In addition, mattress thickness is one of the important factors affecting sleep quality. For example, if overweight people sleep on thin beds, it will prevent them from sleeping comfortably, and this will bring insomnia and lack of energy. Similarly, the fact that lighter people sleep in a thick bed will significantly affect the comfort level. Therefore, it would be the most logical step to consider your body weight when choosing a mattress. Mattress Endurance Damaged and expired mattresses will also negatively impact the health of your sleep cycle. For this, we recommend that you choose a mattress made of durable materials. The durable material composition will prevent the mattress upholstery from deforming in a short time, thus extending the life of your mattress. This, of course, will ensure that the investment made for the mattress offers a good return. In order to use both your time and your budget more efficiently, you can choose mattresses made of durable and quality materials, taking into account your health. Discover the Quality on WoW Futon Amazon Store for healthy, comfortable and quality sleep solutions and increase your sleep life.
Other Pages (14)
- Warranty and Returns | WoW Futon Organic and Natural Products
Warranty & Returns Warranty All WoW Futon products are guaranteed to be free of any material or craftsmanship defects. Our products are designed to last for many years with proper care. Our offer: 3-year warranty against manufacturing defects on pillows. 5-year warranty against manufacturing defects on futon mattresses, mattress pads and mattress toppers. WoW Futon will repair or replace the item if it is found to be defective. The warranty does not cover misuse or normal wear and tear. Please retain all original receipts and invoices in order to provide proof and date of purchase. WoW Futon reserves the right to determine if the item has been abused or care instructions have not been followed. Returns We guarantee the quality of everything we sell. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return most items* in new, unopened, and original condition within 30 days of delivery date. Returns must be in their original packaging, with product tags intact. If we provide a return shipping label, the return shipping fees will be deducted from your refund. If you decide to provide your own mailing label, we recommend that you obtain a tracking number for your own security. If you received an incorrect, damaged, or defective item, we will require photos and an explanation of the issue to decide whether you are eligible for a refund or replacement. Wool has a little natural lanolin scent, which is not considered a fault. If we determine that the goods was damaged or defective upon receipt, we will give a free return mailing label. Returns must be in their original packaging and show no evidence of use. A decision on an inspection may take up to 14 business days. If, after assessment, we conclude that your item does not qualify for a refund, you have 30 days to opt to have it returned to you at your expense. Contact Us Get in touch by filling out the form. We’ll respond as soon we can. First Name Last Name Email What is your order number or email address associated with your order? Please provide your preferred contact method. What item(s) do you wish to return? What is the reason for your return? Ordered wrong item/size/color Defective/damaged Wrong item sent Unsatisfied Other I am returning this item(s) to exchange for a refund FOR EXCHANGES - Please describe item you would like to exchange for. Any refunds due will be processed back to the payment method for original purchase. If any balance is due, our customer service team will reach out with an invoice. Please also confirm that your shipping address is the same used in your original order. Upload Your Image or Video Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Organic Mattress Toppers, Pillows, and Futons | Certified Comfort
Certifications & Sustainability MORE THAN ORGANIC As a small, independent company, we make every decision ourselves. We’ve worked hard to control as much of our process as possible to do right by the people, places, and animals we rely on. Our products carry several internationally recognized certifications to meet stringent fair trade, organic, safety, and emissions standards. FOR JUST A PEACE OF MIND With so many certifications floating around, it can be confusing to figure out what they all mean, and if they’re even real. All WoW Futon products are made and packaged by manufacturers who hold the certifications listed below, ensuring the highest standards of fair trade, organic, emissions, and health. We hope this brings you some comfort. You can click on the certification icons to review the related certification documents.
- Dealer Inquiries | WoW Futon Organic and Natural Bedding Products
Dealer Inquiries Thank you for your interest in becoming a WoW Futon wholesale partner. Here at WoW Futon we offer a fantastic range of products that can add a significant benefit to your prospective customers. We are passionate about delivering an improved quality of life to our customers through sleep. By spreading the word of wool and other natural fibers around the world we helping to deliver a better night’s sleep to thousands of people. We already partner with numerous local retail stores, wellness retreats, B & B’s, boutique hotels and interior designers & small business owners all over the world. Add value to your brick-and-mortar or online business by including all-natural WoW Futon unique wool-filled products in your inventory. Our handmade trademark goods of organic cotton and organic wool are designed and manufactured in Bursa, Turkey. WoW Futon, founded in 2020, has partners across the nation and online. When you work with us, we make it our mission to provide the best in handcrafted wool bedding and exceptional customer service. SERVICES AT A GLANCE Excellent customer service and phone support Order confirmations Fast shipping Drop shipping Private labeling Taking A Stand How we make our products is equally as essential as what we produce. Everyone at WoW Futon is dedicated to establishing a sustainable culture. Nothing happens in our supply chain, industrial processes, or facility management without regard for the environment. We want to be a zero-waste facility and prioritize sustainability in everything we do. Our environmentally conscious sourcing and practices reflect our commitment to the Earth and its inhabitants. We welcome you to join us as a retail partner. Let’s Work Together Get in touch so we can start working together. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!